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Evi Giannakou, Apostolos Maikidis, Danae Tezapsidou, Anastasia Vasileiadou

Σχόλια / Comments

Όνομα / Name
Georges Salameh
Σχόλιο / Comment
Thanx to Paris & Simos... Always fresh and challenging WIP!
Wednesday, October 15 2014 - 01:41 PM
Όνομα / Name
Toru Ukai
Σχόλιο / Comment
I feel so many stories or intriguing resonance in every pair of images. Love the dry and witty feeling here in "Table Tennis". Great work, Apostolos.
Sunday, September 28 2014 - 09:55 AM
Όνομα / Name
Bart van Damme
Σχόλιο / Comment
Apostolos' Table Tennis series... wonderful, intelligent and poignant work.

A great issue all together.
Sunday, September 14 2014 - 09:37 PM
Όνομα / Name
Mi Marce
Σχόλιο / Comment
Really great photographic project.
Sunday, August 10 2014 - 04:01 AM
Όνομα / Name
Σχόλιο / Comment
Great issue guys, very anthropocentric.
Well Done, once more!
Wednesday, July 30 2014 - 05:00 PM
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