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Manal Abu-Shaheen, Yorgos Anastasakis, George Awde, Nadim Bou Habib, Rayya Haddad, Zoe Hatziyannaki, Rasha Kahil, Dima Karam, Fragitsa Katogiriti, Dalia Khamissy, Amahl Khouri, Rima Maroun, Randa Mirza, Fabien Pio, Georges Salameh, Roy Samaha, Tanya Traboulsi, Cristobal Traslaviña, Jessica Tremp, Yorgos Vourlidas, Yakir Yahish, Peter Zeglis

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Όνομα / Name
Little Shiva
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Good work Simos!
Tuesday, November 29 2011 - 01:08 AM
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Tanya Traboulsi: Great portraits! I like the direct way and the immediate look in the eyes.
(Unfortunately her last name was typed wrong in the pages of the magazine: Tarboulsi instead of Traboulsi)
Dalia Khamissy: Excellent work on a difficult subject loaded with history and emotions.
She is the "heavyweight champion" of wip 12!
Rasha Kahil: I loved this series. Rasha, can you please be my guest?
Peter Zeglis: Lost in Translation? Almost too beautiful pictures on a subject already photographed by lots of people and shot in film as well.
Zoe Hatziyannaki: Nice idea. I think the pictures would be much stronger in B&W than in color.
Yorgos Vourlidas: The last two pictures of the airports are wonderful!
Simos Saltiel: Please keep up this excellent piece of art called wip!
Saturday, October 22 2011 - 01:37 PM
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Maria salame
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Awaiting for more photos
Tuesday, October 04 2011 - 08:42 AM
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Sarah BA
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Crongrats to all the Lebanese talented photographers you always make us proud, especially to Nadim abou Habib since I am a proud witness of his talent!
Best of luck
Monday, October 03 2011 - 11:20 PM
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To Michalis P.:
as far as I knowthe pdf format is universal but I am not familiar the Ubuntu Linux environment. One suggestion is to open the pdf file with a browser. Please e-mail me at wip@wip.gr if it does not work.
Monday, October 03 2011 - 08:03 AM
Όνομα / Name
singapouri axnisti
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I am the girl/guy who wrote those nice words about the previous incredibly mediocre issue (11).
Back then I needed to maintain the nick name "copylovers of the world".
Well, just to be fair I have to say that this one is very interesting. I like it a lot and I believe that the character of the magazine should stay on this trajectory.
Not meant to be derogatory or something, I simply think that the way issue 12 is builded is the only way that an electronic magazine which presents various photographic portfolios should be, in order to be useful. All this in correlation with the actual content of course.

Congrats and the rest.
Monday, October 03 2011 - 12:17 AM
Όνομα / Name
Michalis P.
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Can't open the pdf in 3 different viewers in Ubuntu Linux. Anything wrong with it? Would you mind checking it out and possibly updating ?
Thanks a lot,
Sunday, October 02 2011 - 09:59 PM
Όνομα / Name
panayotis ioannidis / english
Σχόλιο / Comment
the work of fabien po and george awde is very interesting
Sunday, October 02 2011 - 09:27 PM
Όνομα / Name
panayotis ioannidis
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πολύ ενδιαφέροντες οι fabien pio και george awde
Sunday, October 02 2011 - 09:24 PM
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